Torah High is known for much more than the quality of its education. We are also known for quality of our teachers, who take a personal interest in the development of each student's overall well-being- not just their academic progress.
Yes, Torah High offers accredited courses- but we're so much more! Our goal is to provide you with a joyful, relaxed, and fun experience. We help our students meet their goals in an environment that is stress-free.
There is no single portrait of a Torah High student. Students are the architects of their Jewish journeys. They choose which courses to take from a wide array of Jewish and General studies. They choose whether to take on leadership roles, travel, attend a Shabbaton, or level up their Jewish involvement with a variety of exciting programs offered by our partners at NCSY.
Torah High offers exceptional Jewish studies courses, for credit, to Jewish public high school teens. Torah High is an Ontario Ministry of Education-inspected prívate school. We are parents, Jewish role models, educators, and community advocates who believe that Jewish learning should always be meaningful, engaging, and experiential. Torah High was built to allow our students to explore their Jewish identity with experiences that begin in the classroom and extend beyond. Fun and personalized, Torah High is filling the growing need for accessible and affordable Jewish education.
Earn your high school credits after school at Torah High!