Attendance is an important component of the learning process, and for those taking Torah High courses, attendance is mandatory.  All students are required to attend classes regularly. If absent, students are responsible for acquiring missed lesson material and completing all classwork and assignments.  As the Ministry of Education requires a minimum of classroom instructional hours, students who are absent for eight or more classes may lose their credit entirely.

To maintain proper decorum in class, students will only be allowed inside the classroom if they arrive within the first twenty minutes of class. Students who arrive past that point will be marked as absent.

A student who misses up for four consecutive classes will be considered as if they dropped out of the course unless other arrangements have been discussed with the Torah High office. The Torah High office will attempt to contact the parent and student and find out the cause of the absences, but are in no way responsible to ensure that a student completes his or her course.

Students who drop out of Torah High must inform the Torah High office directly in writing. Any student who does not inform the office will be considered fully registered and responsible for any registration fees outstanding and have an ‘incomplete’ on their Ontario Student Transcript (See Ministry Guidelines below).

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Earn your high school credits after school at Torah High!

Join our next info session Wednesday, February 26, at 8 pm